List All News ArticlesEMU Hosts a Seminar on ‘Chinese Foreign Policy in the 21st Century’
Published Date: Thursday, 26 May 2022
Eastern Mediterranean University Cyprus Policy Center (EMU CPC) and EMU Faculty of Business and Economics, Department of Political Science and International Relations hosted a seminar on “Chinese Foreign Policy in the 21st Century" on Thursday, 26 May 2022. After delivering the opening speech, Chair of EMU Political Science and International Relations Department and EMU CPC Prof. Dr. Ahmet Sözen introduced Prof. Dr. Çağdaş Üngör to the participants and left the floor to her. Working at Marmara University, Department of Political Science and International Relations, Prof. Dr. Üngör has many studies on Turkish-Chinese relations as well as on issues related to China.
Evaluating the Ukraine crisis and the Chinese foreign policy, Prof. Dr. Üngör emphasized the importance of China's “one country, two systems policy" especially in the design and building of Chinese foreign policy. Emphasizing that the principles that form the basis of Chinese foreign policy are non-intervention in the internal affairs of other countries, respect for their local jurisdictions and win-win solutions, Prof. Dr. Üngör added that the effects of China's semi-colonial past, antiimperialism and “Third World" policy are observed in China's policies. Prof. Dr. Üngör also put forth that in today's Chinese foreign policy, targets such as balancing the US hegemony, creating an international environment conducive to China's economic growth, maintaining the status quo in China and finding diplomatic solutions to the problems come to the fore.
Pointing out that China is portrayed as a threat by NATO and in the US National Defense Strategy document, Prof. Dr. Üngör explained that the underlying reasons are the trade competition between the US and China, the policies of enmity between the two countries, the negative effects of the Trump era and the pandemic process. Pointing out that the competition with the USA has increased the importance of Russia for China, Prof. Dr. Üngör expressed that although China did not approve of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, it did not impose sanctions. Prof. Dr. Üngör stated that it is not healthy to predict the future from now, but the outstanding good scenario is that China is a responsible stakeholder that contributes to international organizations and balances the power of the USA, and the negative scenario is that China challenges the international system, divides the world with alliances, and opposes its neighbors.